Monday, January 01, 2007

happy 2007 to you

pomatomus sock

Here's what I've been knitting mostly over the holidays on planes and in airports. It's the pomatomus sock from the winter 2005 knitty. This may be the most fun to knit sock I've ever made. Which I guess isn't that impressive of a statement, I think altogether I've made 3 pairs of basic socks - fun yarn, toe up, basic heel, bored after turning the heel and I've made one pair of simple lacy socks. When I'm following a pattern, I love figuring out what the designer was thinking. I love seeing lines of ribbing turn gracefully into a beautiful cabled pattern, to see color games played out in stranded knitting and how k2t and ssk's can work together to make beautiful symmetrical decreases. This pattern by Cookie is one of those brillant patterns that makes me so happy to knit it. I was entertained to the end of the first sock. The pattern is basically so simple to knit and so elegant and complex looking. And better yet it work so well construction-wise for a sock fabric. It's very stretchy, essentially lacy ribbing, and makes a comfortable sock to wear. Now I just have to hope that I have enough yarn to finish the second sock. I'm using some handpainted yarn I got on my honeymoon on Prince Edward Island, and I used a small amount in another project (not sure what I was thinking!) so I've made the sock a bit shorter on the top half - we'll see. I'll either be way short or have tons left over.

Now I'm generally not one to make new year's resolutions. The last time I did was 2001 when I decided I wanted to learn how to knit and drive stick shift (not at the same time). I happened to mention this to my mom and she said " You want to learn how to knit right now?" And I thought "wait, it's only the 27th of December, it's too early!" but I let her show me how to cast on and ten minutes later I was knitting. True story. The stick shift training didn't go nearly as well, and since my car is automatic, I'm not sure how much I've retained. Funny how no one is volunteering their manual car for me to find out! But I still have the highly addictive knitting. So there you are.

This year, at least knittingwise, I want to be a better knitter. I want to make better fitting garments. I think I'm finally ready to design some sweaters on my own. I'd like to explore colorwork and construction details. I'd like to be better at altering patterns to fit me, and to make some of the incredible patterns out there by all you talented designers. And I'd like to do more spinning and maybe even flirt with a spinning wheel, maybe take one out on a date.

In general I think I'd like this year to be a year of balance. I'd like to work a little less and workout a little more. To cook a little more and eat a bit more green and less beige. To enjoy the present moment instead of mulling over worst-case scenarios in the crazy side of my mind that never happen anyway. To make some room for some bigger dreams. Happy new year to you all!


Blogger Danielle said...

You've got what sounds like a great year ahead of you. Best of luck in fulfilling your goals.

I was wondering if you could email me at danielle(at)landesgeeks(dot)com; I'd like to send a cerTain persOn that we both know a handMade gift, and I'd like your advise On it. I don't KnOw what colors to use though. I know this is strange, but you seem to know her style very well, and I wasnt to give her something that she'll enjoy.

Thank you very much,

2:10 AM  

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